Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Where to begin?

This is probably the most common title used for innagural blogs, but it's true.  Where does one begin when creating a blog?  In the back of my head, I have that nagging thought that says, "...what are people going to care what I have to say on a subject....especially food?"  So that's it.  I need to make you CARE about what I have to say.  The bottom line:  We all need to eat to live, you might as well know how to do it along the way.

I don't claim to be an expert by any means.  There are thousands upon thousands of books and blogs and websites that have something to offer for you and typically have a central theme:  "All about Italian", "The Heathiest Food To Eat", "Cooking With Butter & Fat", etc.  I take a different approach because, like many of you, my tastes change on a daily basis.  One day I'll be craving Mexican, the next night, a pot roast, follow that up with takeout or a pizza on the following night.  I won't claim to have the healthiest blog of recipies, but I will claim variety.  Follow me, and I promise I'll teach you to make everything from how to make an appropriate Chicago Dog to a pan-seared steak with a balsamic vinaigrette & roasted asparagus and everything in between.

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